Adjusting Online Booking Preferences
To adjust your online booking preferences, open the Settings app and select Online Booking > Preferences.

Link copiedTime restrictions
You can select the maximum advance booking days and minimum prior time required for online booking.
If the maximum advance booking days is 90, clients can only book appointments that are within 90 days of the current date.
If the minimum prior time required is 15 minutes, clients must book a 4 pm appointment by 3:45 pm.
If there's availability for the selected services within the minimum prior time, you can show a prompt in online booking that asks clients to call or email. To enable this prompt, enable the Show prompt to call or email toggle.

Link copiedAllow multiple services
When enabled, clients can book an appointment with multiple services through online booking.
Link copiedOnly allow single staff member
When enabled, clients can only book multiple-service appointments with a single staff member. Appointments with services that are performed by different staff members will not be allowed through online booking.
Link copiedShow "Book for someone else" section
When enabled, clients can enter an additional first and last name when booking online if they are booking for someone else.
The additional client's name will display on the calendar. However, the appointment will be booked under the booking client's name.

Link copiedAvoid gaps in staff schedules
When enabled, online booking will only offer times that avoid gaps in staff schedules. For completely open days, the only available times will be at the beginning and end of the schedule. If there are existing appointments, the time slots directly before and after those appointments will also be available.
This setting does not apply to services that only require resources. For appointments that require staff members and resources, gaps are avoided based only on the staff member's calendar.
This setting can limit the number of available appointments in online booking because the system will only show time blocks together. If a client is trying to book a specific time, that time might not be available unless another client is already booked around that time.
For services that require two staff members, this setting will avoid gaps for both staff members.
Note: We generally recommend only using this setting if necessary. If you would like to discuss if this setting is right for you, please reach out to chat support.
Link copiedCollect photos during booking
When enabled, clients can upload up to 3 photos in online booking that will be attached to their appointment. This is optional, and it won't block clients from completing a booking.

Link copiedAllow clients to join waitlist
When enabled, clients can join the waitlist via online booking.

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